Revolutionizing Tire Safety

Driving Confidence
SKIDDD Wheel Indicators was born with a vision for safety for drivers of large semi-trailers and turn pikes. Tires occasionally lock due to mechanical and brakepot failure, air valve and line complications, freeze ups, or drivers forgetting to release the trailer brakes. Regardless of the cause, the SKIDDD Wheel Indicator allows the driver to determine whether or not a tire is rotating. The SKIDDD Indicator allows the driver to spot the locked tire and resolve the issue before any permanent damage or accident occurs.
Easy Installation
The SKIDDD Indicator is made of a special nylon plastic which at -55°C still holds its flexibility and will not crack or tear off. The SKIDDD Wheel Indicator is visible to the driver from the cab but, does not encroach on the maximum allowable road width.