A driver crouches beside a truck, focused on fixing or adjusting a tire along the roadside.

Revolutionizing Tire Safety

SKIDDD was formed in 1998 when founder Tim Broten recognized a need for a higher standard of safety and reliability for truck and trailer tires. Owning TB Tire & Son in Starbuck, MB Canada and spending some time in the trucking industry has shown Tim both sides of the devastating effects locked up tires can have.
A truck driver wearing a hat gazes out of the truck's window, scanning the surroundings while on the road.

Driving Confidence

SKIDDD Wheel Indicators was born with a vision for safety for drivers of large semi-trailers and turn pikes. Tires occasionally lock due to mechanical and brakepot failure, air valve and line complications, freeze ups, or drivers forgetting to release the trailer brakes. Regardless of the cause, the SKIDDD Wheel Indicator allows the driver to determine whether or not a tire is rotating. The SKIDDD Indicator allows the driver to spot the locked tire and resolve the issue before any permanent damage or accident occurs.

A person installing a tire

Easy Installation

The SKIDDD Wheel Indicator is jam nutted onto the wheel stud with 25 lbs. of torque. The indicator rests on the outer portion of the rim, sticking out 2″ from the wheel, allowing the driver to view the indicator from the rear view mirrors of his cab. By just moving his trailer 2′ forward or backwards, the driver would be able to view his rotating tires, making this procedure a safe check of his trailer wheels.
A tire already Installed


The SKIDDD Indicator is made of a special nylon plastic which at -55°C still holds its flexibility and will not crack or tear off. The SKIDDD Wheel Indicator is visible to the driver from the cab but, does not encroach on the maximum allowable road width.

A Tanker Truck background with a couple of firemen

Tanker Trucks

When a tire is locked up it can catch fire, which can lead to a catastrophic explosion if you’re driving a flammable liquid hauler. If you are hauling dangerous goods, you need SKIDDD Wheel Indicators to monitor your tires.
A big trailer on the road with a forest in the background

Livestock Trailer

The tires on a livestock trailer can catch fire when they drag. If this spreads to the straw in the trailer, it will produce toxic fumes that will harm and could cause the loss of your livestock. Monitor your tires with SKIDDD Wheel Indicators.
A big Truck with a "Oversize Load" sign

Heavy Haulers

Heavy haulers with multiple axles carry hundreds of thousands of pounds of specialized payload. SKIDDD Wheel Indicators help drivers keep track of multiple tires on multiple axles that may lock while the driver is focusing on the complexities of an extra heavy load.
A big trailer on the road

53’ Van Trailer

SKIDDD Wheel Indicators are the best investment for your safety, working on all kinds of trailers to help drivers and businesses. At only a small percentage of trucking costs, they give you big savings on driver and tire safety.